Automated feature engineering with featuretools
AI automates job of data scientist GASP.
# pandas and numpy for data manipulation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# featuretools for automated feature engineering
# !pip install featuretools --upgrade
import featuretools as ft
# matplotlit and seaborn for visualizations
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylab
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (15, 8)
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 10
import seaborn as sns
# Suppress warnings from pandas
import warnings
This notebook explores featuretools library for automated feature engineering.
I will use Kaggle's home credit default risk dataset, which has just the right structure for this task.
Thanks to Will Koehrsen for awesome walkthroughs and explanations of this package.
# Utility to quickly inspect data
def inspect_df(df, target_col=None):
print(f'df shape: {df.shape}')
print(f'datatypes: {df.dtypes.value_counts()}')
print(f'Num null vals: {df.isnull().sum().sum()}')
if target_col is not None:
print(f'{target_col} classes: \n{df[target_col].value_counts()}')
return df.head()
Application data is of considerable size both in terms of rows and columns, has mixed data types, some missing values and inbalanced target classes.
Since automated feature generation is quite resource intensive process, we need to downsample, preprocess and reduce dimensionality before creating more features.
app_df = pd.read_csv('../input/home-credit-default-risk/application_train.csv')
inspect_df(app_df, target_col='TARGET')
# Downsample majority class to have same number of rows as minority class
def balance_target(df, target_col, positive_class=1, random_state=42):
positive_idx = df[df[target_col] == positive_class].index
negative_idx = (df.loc[~df.index.isin(positive_idx)]
.sample(len(positive_idx), replace=False, random_state=random_state)).index
return df.loc[positive_idx.union(negative_idx)]
# Reduction from 300k rows to 50k should speed up exploration and since classes are balanced, shouldn't affect the accuracy too much.
app_df_sample = balance_target(app_df, target_col='TARGET')
# Splitter into features and target
def split_x_y(df, target_col):
return df.drop(target_col, axis=1), df[target_col]
Create a data preparator that:
- separates id columns
- splits features into categorical and numerical
- fills in missing values
- factorizes categories (numerical encoding)
- reduces float precision of numericals for faster processing
- adds random features as benchmark for feature selection later
class DataPreparator:
def __init__(self, id_cols, add_rand_cols=False):
self.id_cols = id_cols
self.add_rand_cols = add_rand_cols
def prepare_data(self,
cat_trans_func=lambda x: pd.factorize(x)[0],
cat_rand_func=lambda x: np.random.choice([0, 1], x.shape[0]),
num_trans_func=lambda x: x.astype('float32'),
num_rand_func=lambda x: np.random.rand(x.shape[0])):
ids, X = X[self.id_cols], X.drop(self.id_cols, axis=1)
X_cat = self._preprocess(X, 'object', cat_fill_val, cat_trans_func, cat_rand_func)
X_num = self._preprocess(X, 'number', num_fill_val, num_trans_func, num_rand_func)
return pd.concat([ids, X_cat, X_num], axis=1)
def _preprocess(self, X, dtypes, fill_val, trans_func, rand_func):
X_proc = (X.select_dtypes(include=dtypes)
if X_proc.shape[0] > 0:
return X_proc.assign(**{f'rand_{dtypes}': rand_func}) if self.add_rand_cols else X_proc
app_df_feat, y = split_x_y(app_df_sample, target_col='TARGET')
app_df_proc = DataPreparator(id_cols=['SK_ID_CURR'], add_rand_cols=True).prepare_data(app_df_feat)
Inspection shows that no rows are lost, all missing values are filled and all columns are numeric
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
class FeatureSelector:
def __init__(self, X, y, id_cols, rand_cols):
self.X = X
self.y = y
self.id_cols = id_cols
self.rand_cols = rand_cols
def select_important_features(self):
rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, oob_score=True, n_jobs=-1, random_state=42), self.y)
print(f'Model score with full feature set {rf.oob_score_}')
important_cols = self.get_important_cols(rf, self.X.columns)[important_cols], self.y)
print(f'Model score with reduced feature set {rf.oob_score_}')
return self.X[self.id_cols + important_cols]
def get_important_cols(self, model, column_names):
importances = pd.Series(model.feature_importances_, index=column_names)
rand_importance = np.max(importances.loc[importances.index.isin(self.rand_cols)])
important_cols = importances[importances > rand_importance].index.tolist()
print(f'Number of features with greater than random column importance {len(important_cols)}')
importances.sort_values().plot(title='feature importance')
return important_cols
app_df_reduced = FeatureSelector(app_df_proc, y, id_cols=['SK_ID_CURR'], rand_cols=['rand_object', 'rand_number']).select_important_features()
Neat! We reduced number of features from 122 down to 9 (not counting ID), while model score changed only slightly.
def sample_from_parent_df(parent_df, id_col, child_df):
sample_ids = parent_df.set_index(id_col).index
child_df = (child_df.set_index(id_col)
.apply(lambda x: x.loc[x.index.isin(sample_ids)])
print(f'Num ids in parent df: {len(sample_ids)}, '
f'num ids in child df: {child_df[id_col].nunique()}')
return child_df
bureau_df = sample_from_parent_df(parent_df=app_df_reduced, id_col='SK_ID_CURR',
Since this table has higher granularity, we cannot perform feature reduction in the same way like we did with application data and it has just 17 columns anyway, also there's no need to add random features when processing.
bureau_df_proc = DataPreparator(id_cols=['SK_ID_CURR', 'SK_ID_BUREAU']).prepare_data(bureau_df)
bureau_bal_df = sample_from_parent_df(parent_df=bureau_df_proc, id_col='SK_ID_BUREAU',
bureau_bal_df_proc = DataPreparator(id_cols=['SK_ID_BUREAU']).prepare_data(bureau_bal_df)
es = ft.EntitySet(id='credit_data')
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id='applications',
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id='bureau',
es = es.entity_from_dataframe(entity_id='bureau_balance',
Create relationships
Once we have our entity set, we need to establish relationships between entities (tables/dataframes). As it was shown (see diagram in the beginning of the notebook) application data is the main table, which links to bureau data via SK_ID_CURR
column. Each SK_ID_CURR
can have multiple records in bureau table, which has SK_ID_BUREAU
unique identifier that subsequently links to records in bureau_balance table.
rel_app_bureau = ft.Relationship(parent_variable=es['applications']['SK_ID_CURR'],
rel_bureau_bal = ft.Relationship(parent_variable=es['bureau']['SK_ID_BUREAU'],
es = es.add_relationships([rel_app_bureau, rel_bureau_bal])
Create features
Automating feature creation is as simple as calling a on-liner with established entity set and pointing to a dataframe, where features should be added. Depending on data size, entity set complexity, chosen primitives, transforms and depth (see more on this might take a while to run.
feat_mat, feat_def = ft.dfs(entityset=es, target_entity='applications', n_jobs=-1, max_depth=2)
Featuretools created more than 200 features out of our entity set with default primitive and transform configurations, of course not all of them make sense or add signal, so we have to perform selection again.
feat_mat_proc = DataPreparator(id_cols=['SK_ID_CURR'], add_rand_cols=True).prepare_data(feat_mat.reset_index())
feat_mat_imp = FeatureSelector(feat_mat_proc, y, id_cols=['SK_ID_CURR'], rand_cols=['rand_object', 'rand_number']).select_important_features()
Added features didn't seem to improve the score pre and post selection by importance. This of course does not mean that the tool is useless, because most of the time feature engineering is just adding the same basic primitives and transforms - counts, sums, means, etc. Remember, we have not considered all tables available in the data, perhaps they contain more signal. Also, featuretools were run with default presets, which could be tinkered with, so definitely looks like something to add in the toolset, to inrease productivity, especially when building PoCs.